Silver has long been known for it’s protective and healing properties both in and on the body. If you’re sensitive to EM fields and EMF energy then it’s likely that this type of clothing will help protect you.


There is a big misunderstanding about 5G and what it really is … and the damage it does by many different pathways …

Here is a list of 5G frequencies we are dealing with:

The red zone are the last 4-5 on this list … 

(mm) wavelengths and Frequencies are defined in Physics as microwaves (a bit like the ovens) … so what you see out there on the poles are basically (we hope low power) microwaves on sticks!

When someone says 5G … some of it isn’t really that bad! you have to do further research to determine that!

Everything in nature has it’s own frequency or “collection of frequencies”. The ability of a frequency alone to affect the body and it’s biology is outlined in the works of Tesla and Raymond Rife

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Question for skeptics … (we should all be mega skeptics in 2020+)

Q – would you like to live next a microwave with the door open pointed toward your bedroom?


Some people would say – no problem – i don’t mind.

The human body was designed to be sitting in the forest in nature, not in cities pumped full of dirty messed up waveforms scrambling your information fields.

If this simple philosophy isn’t well understood, read on…


World Healers Retreat Location

If you don’t understand, lets experiment, nothing should be taken at face value, even if you do have science and scientific experiment, nothing beats personal experience and experimentation.

Experiment: Grab your Wifi router and sit with it on your lap for 30 minutes TV program.

*WARNING: this is not advised, if you experience any heart palpatations or any other serious symptoms, stop the experiment immediately.

Now lets look into some 5G real life testing, it may be magic or trickery but the following clip shows some everyday people checking the intensity of the EMF in the streets in Sydney, which clearly show that they are illegal and above the legislated legal limits set out by government organisations. 

WiFi EMF SYDNEY Street tests on five G

What we found interesting was the similarity or better, correlation between the symptoms of 60GHZ cellular poisoning and Viral loads in the body.

Viral loads in the body are released by cells when exposed to 5G and 60GHZ frequency. Check this chart which shows the confusion between covid and exosomes (cellular solvent based excretions – made in order to protect the body from perceived invading toxins )

This is something that is very hard to ignore as it clearly could be linked to some of the confusion that’s happening now around the world, especially since in most cases corona deaths are being diagnosed only by symptomology.

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Science says: 5G Causes corona virus or covid or whatever you want to call it, it was a reality when the bioweapon was released, but now it’s almost completely gone! Whatever is left as long covid, the real problem, seems to be the interactivity of human biology with a new electrical atmosphere and environment that we live in due to the increased number of 60GHZ frequencies being added to our delicate electro magnetic environment. 

Expert Brain Cancer Consultant exposes 5G and EMF WiFi radiation in general:

If you’d like to see some more Scientific Studies by leaked military sources then you can check this link 5g from Central intel – Click here

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Since 5G and 60GHZ type microwaves are getting more popular in our ecosystem, and we are in symbiosis with your planet and it’s electromagnetic eco systems, we can all use the extra help to protect ourselves from such pervasive destabilizing frequencies. Especially the younger and developing nervous systems.


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Who should use these silver weave clothing products:

• People who are energy or EMF sensitive
• People with a sensitive cardio or nervous system
• Children and young developing bodies
• People who suffer from anxiety or influence of others emotions easily
• People who are easily confused of find it hard to make decisions
• People who want to feel peace wading through dirty EMF frequencies all day
• Meditational students looking for a meditation aid
• Anyone looking to feel or experience themselves more

Subtle energies are the most pervasive in our reality and make up the bulk of the universe – subtle energies are therefore the strongest as they have the most momentum and force behind them in terms of frequency. Align with that subtle energy and have the greatest force in the universe, behind you.

There are many ways to protect yourself from frequencies … one of the best defenses is an offense. Which in this case means to strengthen your own magnetic heart field and cell strength.

The loud voice of the weak ego hides the shy voice of quiet power – Cre8-Health.2020


There are many ways to protect yourself from frequencies … one of the best defenses is an offense. Which in this case means to strengthen your own magnetic heart field and cell strength.

Here is a list of things that can help protect yourself against EMF invasions:

PEMF(Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields) - Cellular charge protection

Vitamin A - Cellular membrane protection

Iodine - Destruction of viruses and protection from the effects of EMF.

Melatonin - EMF destroys melatonin which is a very important anti-oxidant to supplement if you're affected by EMF especially at night

Lithium - aligns and calms the mind

Curcumin - One of the best anti-oxidants in cancer research

Meditation and exercise - helps focus the energy and heart field and regenerate DNA

Clothing with silver and copper weave - direct protection to EMF energy

Shungite and Obsidian - One of the best EMF protection materials, relates to fullerines and C60

Etheric and fringe technolgies - technology only understood with advanced quantum physics

Sun gazing and breathing - Energetic alignment with spirit and jeheshua inchreasing cohearance and harmony

EMF can also be used for good! like the killing of cancer, as we are interested in here at Cre8-Health Let’s have a look at how Cancer and frequency interact

Here are some further reliable links (NOT Wikipedia, NOT Snopes, NOT on EMF and Wifi frequencies.

EMF and WiFi in Schools and education
Scientists talk about EMF and WiFi
Safety and EMF
Global research in EMF and WiFi
Experts and training in EMF and WiFi
News and articles on EMF and WiFi
Articles on EMF and WiFi
Radiation and health for EMF and WiFi
Smartmeter products for EMF and WiFi
Stop5G 60GHZ or there abouts frequencies

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5G United Kingdom