• Are you waiting for the pandemic to end so you can treat your lung cancer?
  • Are you waiting for someone in the NHS to tell you, you can come to hospital for treatment?
  • Are you looking for medical treatment because you don’t know what you can do for yourself?


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Ivermectin is an anti-parasite medication.
– Ivermectin is used to treat infections in the body that are caused by certain parasites.
– Ivermectin is currently being investigated as a treatment for coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, which is the virus that causes COVID-19. The trials so far have shown ivermectin reduces the number of cell-associated viral DNA by 99.8 % in 24 hours. Further studies are needed to determine the effectiveness of this medicine in humans with COVID-19.

The flu plan has hit many people in different ways – nothing is more destructive than suddenly taking away the one health care service and lifeline that the people of the UK relied on. This temporarily spikes the death rates looking just like an out of control Flu!

The only thing out of control now is us!!! Yes us … how can we be so short sited to believe the system of lies that we know lies to us everyday … yet we still go back to the same abusive partner over and over again, like someone with little imagination to be able to

making it very hard to make sense out of the statistics! especially when nobody gives us any simple graphical tools to see  what’s going on – most we really have to dig for.

In the video below, we go through some of the strange statistics that don’t make much sense, by any stretch of the imagination, and ask the question: should we really trust a computer engineer whose first project in his early business life was to write a  computer virus?

Most people leave it until it’s too late and then go to the completely wrong place to get themselves better!

You can help by simply supporting holistic health coaches like me, Online USA Online UK – What if you could find what you needed somewhere else?

Try not to keep making the same mistakes, that are so easy to do.


Don’t sacrifice the unknown for side-effects,  simply because it’s easier and more convenient!


I realized that this is the problem with Health Coaches, nobody knows how to find them or how to make it easy to share their platforms and make them more popular!

However if you’re looking for the strongest most powerful and safe natural solutions  then …
You came to the right place – so let’s find out more about the power of …


it’s got almost no side-effects and can sometimes be more successful than most pharmaceuticals … There are many stories of what we could call cures* … of course far away from the fake stories of political-science-based cures*.

All science is political in a political system, as all things are based on money in a money system. Cures can ONLY come from a Balanced Diet and a Nutrition and Supplement Protocol with Exercise and Emotional and Breathing Protocols. i.e.

To heal any part of you, you have to heal yourself!
It seems basic but all your PARTS  are connected to the health of YOU so you have to heal YOU to heal your PARTS.

There is no real Health other than …


Everything else is just a temporary, quick fix, on the go, health patches  … which eventually makes things progressively more problematic … mainstream health doesn’t deal with Whole Subjects they Break things up into Specialisms which just is NOT necessary to be able to treat most problems before they become chronic, even when they’re chronic natural health can do SO much more that the vacant empty walls of a broken mainstream medical institute …

We must move from a mind of cure-searching and waiting-for-cures! we can reclaim our right to our natural heritage of curing things as a means to a change from the very core of our being … and having the mind to use MORE THAN ONE protocol or compound to help you!

Please drop me an email or message if you have any questions even perhaps if you can’t get to hospital, there’s plenty of things that can be done that can change thing s for the better, quickly … and as we all know


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See one mans drive to make people listen to him after offering a “get out of jail” card for covid virus patients …
If every little helps, why are we focused on the most counter to natural health and immunity ?

Iatrogenics leading cause of death

Global Project to Eradicate Viruses (A Part of You)

Operation Disclosure | By Steve Davis, Guest Writer

May 1, 2020

The entire world’s focus seems to be on one thing right now: the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, and how to kill the virus. Tens of millions of Americans want to use a natural product over vaccines and FDA therapies.

Years ago, I developed a natural virus killer — an antiviral whole leaf aloe vera drink. It successfully stops all virus diseases. This is why the World Health Organization (WHO) and Center for Disease Control (CDC) are on a warpath with me and why I am sharing my story.

If the proposal now being considered by Congress is approved, my aloe vera drink will soon be distributed through the US Military to anyone who wants to build up their immune system (T-4 Cells). The United States Army Corps of Engineers and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will joint venture to operate what’s being called US Aloe Vera Immune.

Aloe Vera, God’s medicine plant

HIV was identified in 1983. Because of my former position at Northrop, I met Army Colonel Deborah Birx in 1985. This was at the time when the AZT drug was submitted to the FDA for approval. I knew that AZT killed people, and I confronted Dr. Birx on the drug. Was she ever upset!

AIDS is part of the New World Order depopulation agenda. AIDS was created in a lab and put into the smallpox vaccination to widely distribute the virus through the black and gay populations. The pharmaceutical industry benefits from the medications and owns the FDA; they are totally in it for the money.

In 1985, the same year I met Dr. Birx, I was at UCLA, translating the Dead Sea Scrolls for my uncle. Within the Book of Ezekiel, it stated that God created the aloe plant as God’s medicine plant. I was so impressed with the healing potential of aloe that I traveled to the Island of Dominica, West Indies in 1986 and purchased a plantation with one million aloe plants.

Being an engineer, I designed a processing plant which produced a whole leaf cold finished product. I put the aloe drink in a 20 oz. bottle like a soda pop drink and added citrus acid. Since 10 million people in US do not have a good immune system, I knew we could use aloe to build immune system in a simple, natural way.

I harvested and produced the products by myself and documented it all to the hilt. In 1986, I organized a public company and had worldwide rights to the technology. Had I not put the marketing of the aloe vera products in the public company, I would be dead by now.

I invested millions in aloe operations all over the world as a natural option, directly against FDA and the World Health Organization. I dealt with the government and took on the FDA and WHO. They hated my guts because my aloe application was curing cancer and curing AIDS.

Over 30 years ago, I took my product to the Brigham Young University Microbiology & Molecular Biology Departments for testing of the mucopolysaccharide. The results were great.

In Dallas, Texas, we tested over 3,500 annual flu victims by having them stop using their flu vaccines and drinking our 20 oz. aloe drink each day. 100% of the testers terminated their annual flu experience. Results showed that the aloe vera product was an effective, holistic application to fight viruses.


Please drop us an email or message and ask us what’s available for you!