So there’s a very good reason why healthy people get sick. I’m going to ask you to entertain the glaringly obvious and the most simple solution yet as to why this happens. Hold on to your seat.

Getting sick means your healthy 😱

Chris Brown

I’m not going to spout off about the immune system because that’s a very small part of why we get sick. simplicity holds the honest uncomplicated truth we need to understand.

Getting sick isn’t a bad thing! It actually prevents longer term chronic illnesses.

The immune system likes to deal with one thing at a time, so getting sick likely means you’re not dealing with any other chronic comorbidities.

Having said that of course, there could be many different reasons why one gets sick, it could be an allergy or sensitivity that keeps getting provoked.

It could be a bacterial or parasitic imbalance. None the less, the body of seeing toxins that need to be removed and sickness is the only way to do it.

The only questions that remains are, is the problem accumulated toxins that need removal, or toxins being produced by a constant toxic inflammatory, parasitic or bacterial process.

Continued sickness might indicate a need for a focus on a good detox protocol, sweating is one of the best ways to achieve this.

To find out the things that worked for me this flu season skip to the end of this article …

The flu 2023 is electromagnetic?

Solar flares and sun spot cycles have a lot to do with health. The massive uptick in solar activity had no doubt affected many of us perhaps with a certain level of electro magnetic radiation sickness.

During galactic disturbances, many people notice physical symptoms occurring, which may be in the form of body aches and pains, headaches, throat issues, flu-like symptoms, ears ringing, dizziness, and generally feeling as though the body, mind, and spirit are out of sync.

Some non-physical signs are vivid and realistic dreams and nightmares, regular synchronicities, déjà vu, and disturbed sleep patterns. We might also experience unexplained anxiety, moodiness, emotional highs and lows, irrational fear, and time appearing to go too slow or too fast.

This can be alarming at first, but it is simply due to the speed at which we are ascending, leaving us feeling unaligned as our physical and spiritual bodies take time to readjust.

Bio films protect toxic agents

Sometimes the self perseveration of bacterial or viral agents wrap themselves up in bio films to avoid detection from the immune system.

Sometimes the body does this also as a self protection from its own perspective.

Parasites also have a form of protection that release toxins when attacked.

Understanding bio film busters like colossal silver and iodine are god in these cases, but prepare for toxic release.

Storing fat

If your body is good at stirring fat that means it is also god at storing toxins. The amount of fat stored is proportionate to the amount of toxins stored. In my opinion it’s better to store toxins as fat that it is to store them in organs where they can cause systemic inflammation.

But be ready seasonally to release some toxins unless fat loss is something you actively pursue.

The Counter Intuitive Nature of Health

The Intersecting Windows of healthy and unhealthy systems in the human physiology.

The body only releases toxins when it’s, toxic and healthy enough to do so, fat toxins cannot be released into blood that cannot handle the increased acidity. This is where bicarbonate comes in as a buffer of blood through the kidneys.

The body gets a cold when there’s some toxins around to process by bacteria and the physiology is balanced enough to deal with that!

The body gets a flu when bacteria fails to do the job which then gets upgraded to a solvent produced by your cells by command, but only if the body has enough energy to do so.

It’s far easier for the body to store toxins or put off creating a flu to deal with toxins. character and emotional state may also dictate the choice to detox or not.


If we supplement we really need to have a goal and know what we are doing. For instance if we add any naturally produced compound then our body will produce less. Melatonin for example!

Always have a supplement plan, goal and preferably system

Chris Brown

So it’s very important to use supplements quickly for a specific purpose. So the body can go back to naturally producing ask that you need for normal life.

Everything you do in health the body will have a knock on reaction. So when you supplement just make sure that what you’re taking is as close to a natural whole food as possible. Like berries for Vitamin C or Spirulina for amino acids and proteins, or wheatgrass for a more complete protein.

Always remember that when you stop taking something then there will also be a reaction as your body will miss whatever you stop.

The detox sickness is necessary

Many of us know that when we open the body for detox quickly that we can suffer flu symptoms and very unpleasant side effects.

This suffering indicates that the body is letting go of toxins that otherwise would be building up in the body.

Our ability to store toxins i.e. get fat, is a very important ability, as is our toxic release pathways. Hydration, movement and self love are all highly important in this system.

Character is the one thing that determines our ability to be able to eat and drink crap and still be healthy.

The dirtier the dirt the more the toxic release systems are used, a strong character implies a healthy outlook and less self punishment and worry.

Perception being a major contributing factor to health.

None the less, the complexity of why we get sick has to do with many factors including everything that affects the individual at the time.

Including: The inner; stress, character, emotion environment. The outer: Diet, water, electro magnetic exposure, other environmental

Can one be too healthy?

Yes absolutely, healthy people can be too clean, therefore there toxic release pathways get lazy and unused, meaning that the cleaner you are, the cleaner you must remain or you’ll suffer the temporary change in cleanliness.

The best way to be is to mirror the environment. If it’s dirty then you need to be as dirty as it. Or move to an organic farm on an island.

Being sick simply means our body is doing its job. Of course we can make the process easier. By making sure the bowels and liver are clear so the flushing process works efficiently.

Latent anger or worry of course can impact on that ability as these emotions effect the liver and kidney.

I always look at being sick as an upgrade, which it is. So feel good when you’re wrapped up in bed at home and take the time to self reflect and care.

Modern living

We live in a highly toxic world, more so than ever before. Anyone in their right mind would only be able to assume that there is at the very least, some sort of direct attack on the health of humanity as a whole, at best it’s simply due to the nature of profiteering, at worst it’s an intentional plan to milk the golden goose (humans).

Enter vaccines 💉

Made by the same people who wrote their own scientific papers, lobby the media, manipulate history, created their own pandemics and then supplied the fake solution that simply cannot work by design.

The following is from “Viruses are not Contagious. Com”

Exosomes are parts of the processes of viral behavior, just as white blood cells (antibodies) are part of the processes, both having dual roles when needed. It can be said that exosomes are indistinguishable from viruses in some cases.

Exosomes are the same size as viruses (0.1 microns)—and vary in size, but are mostly of similar size. They are secreted by cells and are extracellular vesicles that transport messages between cells to inform each other when they are in danger.

They also transport molecules needed for cellular life between cells. They are intercellular communication agents. Viruses are replicated in the cell—exosomes are not, and are not released in high numbers as viruses are.

Vaccines do not prevent disease. They cannot, by nature.

Vaccines introduce proteins that are supposed to initiate the immune response to manufacture specific antibodies, but this is not how the body functions. Immunity does not come from antibodies.

Antibodies are regulating agents. They’re merely white blood cells that regulate infection, and thus, the healing process. Viruses are part of the healing phase. Each cell manufactures hundreds to thousands or more viruses.

Every 72 hours, a minutely new but similar virus is manufactured, which the body uses to cleanse parts that the first did not.

No vaccine could ever spark immunity because the body does not recognize foreign debris as being useful to the body in any way, and so the body attempts to flush that toxicity from the blood.

Viruses work on a lock-and-key system which is given by the cell (RNA/DNA). Each cell has differing RNA/DNA, therefore, it is impossible that a foreign viral protein would initiate any recognition from the body.

There is no forced ‘immunity’. It is nonsensical, and highly dangerous—even deadly.

When it comes to why viruses like chickenpox and measles are one-time detoxifications, the answer is quite simple.

It is because these viruses are childhood detoxifications and are meant to strengthen the developing immune system. Other viruses, like flu and cold, are something one will experience throughout one’s entire life.

There are 320,000 different viral strains inherent to the body. Each one is intelligently manufactured by cells, and through the transcription and translation process, determine how that virus will function—In particular, what type of tissue the virus has the ‘authority’ to dissolve.

RNA/DNA that makes up the virus are lock-and-key systems that allow it to dissolve specific tissues and tissue in and around cells, and parts of cells, with the same RNA/DNA.

This is highly regulated by antibodies, which deliver specific matter, and other toxic matter to the virus for dissolution. So, viruses and antibodies work as one unit.

If the body is highly toxic—that is if there is a large number of toxins floating in the blood, and existing in tissue, the symptoms of viral breakdown will be greater.

Toxins broken down by viruses must be excreted by the body. When excretion happens it requires binding nutrients that help neutralize their caustic effects and helps escorts them out of the body.

The body cannot eliminate such matter without it first being broken down into minuscule particles. Viruses are able to do this if the toxin is too great for a living microbe to consume without being poisoned to death. Then, the matter is expelled out of the body.

A greater degree of symptoms will be experienced if that person is highly toxic because the body is working hard to break down and eliminate those toxins from the body.

That means symptoms like coughing, sneezing, heavy mucus & phlegm, fever, all increase in order to expel that matter from the body. That is how the body functions. Without symptoms, the body cannot rid itself of toxicity—toxins mustbe expelled somehow.

Again, viruses are not contagious. And remember that viruses will only occur if there is some sort of severe toxic substance that is inside the body which cannot be broken down by regular living microbial methods, such as phagocytes, bacteria, parasites, or fungi.

This is why vaccines cannot work. Hypothetically, they do work to suppress the immune system in such a way that prevents these detoxifications, because the body can only focus on one major insult at once, therefore, detoxifications are put on hold while it deals with vaccine chemicals now in the body. So then, you have a problem on top of a problem.

Hypothetically speaking, if vaccines did work, the body would never properly detoxify toxins, and so then how would the body actually cleanse itself in the face of toxicity? Answer: It could not.

That person would die an early death from eventual disease manifestation and toxic overload. Eventually, toxins will reach a level where the body can no longer regulate them rationally, and the body will become weak and die.

Viruses are a last resort in this regard, and stopping their processes is insane and stupid, and results in unnecessary death. Trust the body always, for It is more intelligent than the mind.

Finding the right thing for you

For me this 2023 flu season no doubt it has been electromagnetic.

Here are some things i find that helped me:

MSM: To process pain and lactic acids faster as well as speeding up all processes in the body. To protect the stomach and intestines.

DMSO: To assists in any of the detoxing going on

Neem: To help decongest, increase comfort and activate the immune system

Honey: To give the energy needed to process whatever is happening

Wheatgrass: To give the body what it needs in the cleanest most powerful way

L-Glutamine: To help the stomach and intestines reissue faster.

Soup: To provide comfort and easy nutritional profile

Vitamin C: didn’t work

Ivermectin: didn’t work

Rest: plenty of rest

Meditation: I highly recommend meditation

Oxygen: Wim Hoff breathing

Keeping warm: aka not getting cold, sweating if possible, sauna also