You want to run away but can’t.

Shadow sides are coming up to be ousted now. Violently.

A shadow side is a dark side that all humans and even matter has which enables us to exist in reality.

We often don’t talk about or hide from these sides of us, because they scare us, they control us, they are powerful own puppet masters.

On a personal scale it might destroy relationships and friendships, on a country wide scale it could see organisations and economies collapse.

The shadows we don’t know are the greatest, the ones we daren’t face have grown the biggest.

Do you run away?

I recommended facing it head on no matter how painful, because running can’t work for long. This could spell the end of many things, let’s hope you’ve positioned yourself well.

One theme that’s coming through strong is this, you may hate each other, you may want to delete each other, but we must face each other’s shadows and our own countries shadows together with acceptance and awareness and without judgment.

Acceptance because we all have a shadow, anger only makes things go backwards, punishment only compounds the problem

Awareness because awareness is healing

Without judgement because it’s not our place to judge others, only ourselves, better yet leave it to god.

January the 20th will bare the fruits, good or bad of this retrograde cycle.

Recommended supplements: Ivermectin, CBD, Q-Link, BHT

Recommended exercise: breath of fire 🔥, ice cold showers, boxing