Almost 80% of ALL Chronic disease starts in the mouth or with heavy metals

Also In 1974, the World Health Organization had suggested that at least 80% of all chronic disease conditions can be attributed to environmental pollution one way or another; and that of all the pollutants, heavy metals pose the biggest threat to our health. They can either directly or indirectly cause, contribute, or worsen nearly every disease or illness we know. They have a devastating influence on our physical, mental, and emotional well-being.


The FIRST missing step in EVERYONES health journey
If there is one things we all have whether for vaccines or against them, it’s heavy metals like mercury and aluminum and lead delivered in vaccines when we are young. If you feel at all socially awkward or anxious or have ANY of the autism spectrum signs than you absolutely must detox your body from Heavy Metals.


  • They hide beyond the blood brain barrier, bridge circuits in the brain, attract heavy etheric energies, and are almost impossible to detox
  • They are the most important environmental toxin contributor to 80% of all chronic disease
  • They provide a breeding ground for parasites and bacteria
  • They seriously impact the immune system (I guess that’s why they are in vaccines)
  • They mess up your brain in a myriad of complex ways from social issues, focus issues to habitual issues
  • They are a serious problem that almost everyone ignores
  • They are difficult to take out, until now … Heavy metals have a high potential-energy associated with their detoxing, which is why it might seem almost impossible to get over that platau or invisible barrier to doing the things you need to do. They also are dangerous to remove without redistribution in different parts of the body unless the process is done hourly or with the new TRS or HMD solutions.

If they say it can’t be done – then there is more reason to go and do it

After 15 years in natural health i believe that the issues at play causing autism are the issues at play causing so so many problems with health. Remove these heavy metals and you have a high chance of being able to cure the incurable and achieve the impossible.

1. DETOX HEAVY METALS HERE (Product: Advanced TRS)
(Specially produced nano-zeolite toxin removal system)
Helps with ANY neurological condition, especially problems with the brain, depression, nervousness, autism, anxiety, MS and FM even cerebral palsey and alzheimers. 

Option 2:

Sources: (title who reference) (title dental reference) (preventing disease with environment) (health risks oh airborne heavy metals) (heavy metals during pregnancy)  (heavy metal dust exposure) (heavy metals and motor neurone disease) (heavy metals eyes and coughing) (heavy metals and fetal growth restriction) (affects of heavy metals on auditry system) (heavy metals in childrens urine near industry)

For those of you who can afford it and have the budget there is a full and complete system here :

1. CellCore-Biosciences (A real system)
(D-Ribose Seed Anti-Inflammatory Synergistic Combo)
*Cancer success testamonials using this single product available

2. CellCore - See the blog (5 Phases 2 reset  health)
(The very first ORIGINAL company that did research with Beta Glycans and Cancer - Cellular sugars - The only supplement that fullfils all of our criteria) *Cancer success testamonials using this single product available

3. CellCore - Pricing and schedule
(The 5 Phases of proper healing must be done in the right order so that proper healing can occur safely from this powerful course)

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