🤣 thanks so much for reading this

We all suffer in varying degrees and yet, mostly because suffering is connected, we all strangely suffer the same. To some that seems like hypocrisy to me that’s just energy and the way it works.

So why not, will we, let go of old and focus on new and how we are flourishing despite what we see, hear and feel going wrong and so boldly become absorbed in how lucky and healthy we are and how well we’ve done at the hands of narcissists and criminals.

Let us see out the old and bring in the new lighter more deserved energies, for it is time.

SuperSoldierTalk – YouTube

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The focus at this time could be on letting go of the old energy, mind and body parasites as well as the more manifest government and banking parasites for we are the energy source, the power and the light from which they feed.

Offer no longer your focused intention on broken and painful systems and, like a laser focus on the new and emerging systems that demonstrate the power of the universe to create worlds out of nothing.

For nothing is everything in the Buddhist traditions which means reality is no more than an exquisite educational computer game that’s designed for wonderment and fun.

All energies living in this reality deserve and love their lives from the love of god! Nothing else in this universe gives light to live in this hologram.

Therefore may we allow all gods plans to play out as they should for we cannot understand the complexity of his plan.

Allow the baddies to play their part and if you resonate more with the goodies (of which their are magnitudes more of) then with focus and intention, allow yourself to play your part in the creation of what you want to see manifest.

Enjoy your life, even enjoy the fight, enjoy the love of living and send gratitude to yourself and the light of all within and the light of all without for you are about to witness the best part, which is yet to come.