Cre8health Vladonix - Thymus Gland Peptide for T Cells - Cre8-Health
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Vladonix – Thymus Gland Peptide for T Cells


Short Chain Peptide – Vladonix – Thymus Gland Peptide for T Cells

2-4 Capsules taken daily



On BBC Radio 4 one morning this year, Prof. Sir Jon Bell was asked why younger members of the public

either did not contract the virus, or in most cases did not suffer ill effects, even if they did test positive. As such could be classed as anti Viral.

He explained that as the human body ages, one of our protective mechanisms called T cells, reduce in numbers after the age of 40-50, to well under half the number of those in our earlier years.

T cells are produced by the Thymus, hence their name. The Thymus reduces to the size of a pea in later years, and thus is unable to afford the protection in the body, to that of earlier years. The good news is that this condition can be greatly improved or even reversed.

A specific Short Chain Peptide, is able to act as a single organ immuno-regulator, and restore the activity of the Thymus, and thus T cells.

This SCP, known as VLADONIX, comes in the form of capsules, which are easily swallowed and are relatively inexpensive to obtain.

Even the minimal dose of just 1 box can improve matters considerably.

A treatment dose involves 3 boxes of 20 capsules, an Impact Course of 9 boxes is best of all.

That combined with a minimum of at least 10,000 i.u of Vitamin D3, should offer a protection against all kinds of bacterial and viral overload in these worrying times.

Uniquely Produced in Russia for the British Market

Suggested Use
2-4 Capsules taken daily


*none of the information presented is intended to treat or cure any specific disease, should not be confused with medical advice and has not been evaluated by the FDA, therefore any medical claims are purely anecdotal, always seek the guidance of a qualified medical professional