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TUDCA – CellCore – Liver and Gall Bladder Bile magic

TUDCA (Tauroursodeoxycholic acid) is a water-soluble bile acid and liver helper. It’s present in small amounts in your bile, which is produced by your liver. TUDCA helps stimulate the release of bile into your gut and detox a whole range of potentially harmful substances, including those generated during metabolic processes and contaminants from your food and the environment.

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Let’s talk gallbladder duct cancer and other associated issues, liver congestion, hormone issues, bowel movement concerns & cholestatic dis-eases. These problems associated with the flow of bile from the liver to the intestines.

There are two ways your bile system can become an issue:
  1. It can become physically blocked
  2. You start to produce less and low-quality bile that doesn’t do its job

How Can The Bile Duct Become Blocked?

Imagine your bile ducts, like a tree. Small, skinny branches on the outer parts of your liver lead down to larger branches. Those larger branches get bigger in diameter the closer you get to the trunk of the tree. All the branches eventually connect to the trunk.

The trunk would be like your main bile duct away from the liver. The smaller ducts get clogged first. Then the intermediate ducts become blocked until the main liver bile duct becomes severely restricted.

Your bile duct can get physically blocked in several ways:

  • Gallbladder stones can obstruct and stop flow of bile
  • Liver injury can cause scar tissue formation in your bile duct, restricting the opening and flow
  • Viruses like Hepatitis C can create scar tissue as well as reduce the opening of the duct
  • A poor diet can make bile thick and sludgy, unable to flow
  • Parasites can block the bile duct
  • Tumors or cysts can block the duct
  • Autoimmune disorders / Cystic Fibrosis
  • Fatty liver disease can cause triglycerides to collect in the bile duct and block it

But there is a hidden health secret that increases your liver function that most people aren’t aware of called TUDCA.

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What Is TUDCA?

Tauroursodeoxycholic acid, TUDCA, is a component of your bile acid. It’s used as a therapy for people that have any type of issue with the liver or liver bile duct. You only have small amounts of this amazing compound in your body. Increasing the amount of TUDCA in your body can help clear up liver issues fast.

How Is TUDCA Made?

Like many mechanisms in your body, TUDCA is made through a microbial process.

Bile salts are released into your intestines through your liver bile duct. Then the microbes in your gut metabolize the bile salts into ursodeoxycholic acid or UDCA. Later it is connected to a Taurine molecule to create TUDCA.

TUDCA Plus To Rescue!
The good news is, getting your liver bile duct flowing has a positive domino effect.

There are 6 ways that TUDCA Plus goes to work right away as you start implementing it into your health plan:

1. TUDCA Plus Stimulates Bile Flow

Just like removing logs that would jam up a river after a flood, TUDCA Plus helps remove what’s jamming your liver bile duct from flowing. Some studies show that TUDCA Plus can help get bile moving 250% more than before taking TUDCA Plus!

Not only did TUDCA Plus dramatically increase bile release, it improved the quality of the bile itself. There is a higher amount of the bile salts for the microbes in your intestines to create more of your own TUDCA Plus.

Getting your bile moving is going to help your organs downstream, but it will also help your liver cells themselves.

2. TUDCA Plus Helps The Mitochondria In Your Liver Tissue

If the liver bile duct is blocked, your liver starts to die from the inside out on a cellular level.

When your liver can’t dump its pollutants to be hauled away by your intestines, a massive amount of free radicals are produced in your liver cells. The mitochondria of these liver cells are under attack from all the reactive oxygen species. It makes it impossible for them to do their job of folding proteins correctly. Your cells are programmed to die once they can’t do their jobs effectively.

3. TUDCA Plus Reduces Liver Enzymes

When your liver is under high stress because of a blocked bile duct, your liver enzymes can elevate significantly in attempt to dissolve the issue. Another TUDCA benefit is lowering these liver enzymes. One study showed that even a modest TUDCA Plus dose can dramatically lower your liver enzymes in two months.

4. TUDCA Plus Helps Heal The Liver Bile Duct

Your liver releases ATP (the energy our cells produce and live on) into bile when it is healthy. If your liver cells are dysfunctional, they can’t fill your bile with ATP. TUDCA Plus helps your cells get back on track with delivering ATP into the bile liquid.

Your body has incredible protective and healing mechanisms in place. It knows how important your liver bile duct is! Secreting ATP into the bile gives your bile duct cells added protection as it flows past those cells. This helps prevent them from becoming damaged or scarred as the liver dumps dangerous chemicals to be taken away by your stools. Stimulating the bile flow and ATP release will strengthen the lining of your bile duct.

5. TUDCA Plus Helps Your Intestines

Problems upstream will always affect everything downstream.

If your liver bile duct isn’t working properly, your intestine function is going to change as well. Your blocked bile duct can lead to:

  • Intestinal inflammation
  • Changed gene expression in the gut
  • Leaky gut
  • Altered gut microbiome
  • Increased insulin resistance
  • Damage and loss of microvilli

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TUDCA Plus can lower your inflammatory response in the gut as well as the inflammatory cytokines. It can change your gene expression for the better. It helps strengthen the tight junctions in your gut helping eliminate leaky gut. TUDCA Plus helps to solidify the gut barrier. *Is the real cause of your leaky gut a blocked liver bile duct?

TUDCA Plus can help restore the right microbiome in your intestines, giving them more bile salts to work with. Low levels of bile also contribute to SIBO or small intestine bacterial overgrowth. SIBO creates inflammation and major digestive issues. TUDCA Plus stops this imbalance and resets the equilibrium. A better microbiome also helps you have an improved insulin response.

TUDCA Plus helps to protect and reestablish the microvilli in your intestines. Not having enough healthy microvilli to absorb nutrients will create deficiencies in both micro and macronutrients. Strengthening the microvilli might be the most important TUDCA benefit for the intestines.

Better bile flow keeps going downstream to your large intestine too. TUDCA Plus helps with ulcerative colitis and any inflammation you may have in the colon. It helps to protect from cell death in the lining of your colon, similar to how it protects the cells in your liver.

6. TUDCA Plus Helps Protect You From Viruses (and retroviruses)

Viruses like Hepatitis can damage your liver and stop it from functioning well. Hepatitis can be a devastating virus to acquire. TUDCA Plus comes to the rescue once again and helps to block the virus from entering your cells. It stands in front of your cell receptors like a shield.

Influenza A is also blocked from entering your cells with TUDCA Plus. It has been shown to help stop the virus from replicating. TUDCA can even increase your body’s ability to fight the virus. It helps your immune cells to kill the virus faster. TUDCA Plus can inhibit RSV infection from spreading in your body as well.

7. Steroid Use

The reason that TUDCA Plus has been so popular among bodybuilders is that it helps to protect and repair the liver after it has been exposed to the damaging impact of anabolic steroids. TUDCA Plus is not just designed for people who are focused on building bigger muscles. The truth is that this substance, at its core, is a beneficial organ cleanser that can assist the liver, and lymphatic system when it comes to keeping the body in good health. Or if you’ve had to take cortisosteroids for inflammatory issues.

It is important to note that TUDCA Plus could be beneficial in treating other conditions that have an impact on the lymphatic system and liver – such as Lyme disease. After all, if this substance can help to cleanse and detoxify the system, it may also be able to help with the symptoms of Lyme disease and even reduce a person’s chances of suffering from chronic infections.

8. Gallbladder removed?

TUDCA Plus is especially recommended for you. It helps assisting your liver since it’s counterpart, the gallbladder is not longer there to store the bile and help you metabolize fat soluble vitamins such as A, D, E and K.

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