Cre8health MS ALS FM Muscle and Pain and Nerve tincture - Cre8-Health
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MS ALS FM Muscle and Pain and Nerve tincture


1. Colloidal Germanium:
Proponents claim germanium can be used to treat leukemia and cancers of the lung, bladder, larynx, breast, and uterus. They also claim it can help neurosis, asthma, diabetes, hypertension, cardiac insufficiency, Parkinson’s disease, neuralgia, chronic fatigue, hepatitis, and cirrhosis of the liver. Supporters say germanium stimulates the body’s production of interferon, a naturally occurring anti-cancer agent. Some say that it helps the immune system by boosting the activity of natural killer cells, a type of white blood cell that attacks invading germs.

The late Dr. Kazuhiko Asai of Japan began investigating the biological properties of germanium after reading reports from Russia that said the mineral had tremendous therapeutic value. In 1969, Dr. Asai founded the Asai Germanium Research Institute. He reported that he had developed a way to produce germanium that was chemically identical to the germanium extracted from plants. Dr. Asai also found that germanium was present in many common herbal remedies, including ginseng, garlic, comfrey, and aloe.

Dr. Otto Warburg, a Nobel Prize winning biochemist, stated that germanium helped to increase the delivery of oxygen to cells. He believed that boosting the oxygen supply to healthy cells slowed the growth of tumors

Colloidal germanium is on a list of nanoparticles that are of particular interest. Colloidal germanium particles are highly crystalline in form. Colloidal germanium is highly conductive electronically. Its electrical properties come between the properties of metal and substances that insulate. Germanium is a semi-conductor that is used in transistors and integrated circuits and is comparative to other nanoparticles currently being used in electronic applications.

Colloidal germanium is used as a remedy for several physical symptoms and also for symptoms of depression. Germanium is a natural element and when presented as colloidal germanium it can even be consumed as a tonic or supplement. The compound is known to have toxic effects on some bacteria. It helps in the prevention of both cancer and AIDS. It is also used for treating cancer as a nutritional supplement. This substance may improve the immune system, increase a person’s blood level oxygen supply, give the person extra energy and stomp out any free radicals in their system. Colloidal germanium is also used to shield persons from radiation.

Colloidal germanium can also be used for treating vision problems, arthritis, high blood pressure or heavy metal poisoning as in mercury or lead poisoning. To find out if you are deficient in germanium you can opt for a hair analysis which will reveal if sufficient stores of germanium are present. Almost all natural remedies have higher than average amount of germanium in them and some of the most effective herbs available are the ones with the highest levels of germanium in their compositions. This substance, being so tiny in structure works at the molecular level to eliminate the menacing free radicals, in particular each cell’s unburnt hydrocarbons.

2. Colloidal Hafnium
General symptoms of Hafnium deficiency
• Weakness, nervousness, fatigue.
• Penetrating, contracting pains.
• Swollen glands, inflamed and hard. Abscesses and necrosis.
• Paralysis, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis and epilepsy, tonic, colonic and titanic.
• Cancer
• Headaches. Swollen face. Trembling, aggravated by anger.
• Eye problems, inflammation, troubled vision, pterygium.
• Heart problems, high blood pressure, infarctus, cardiac arrest.
• Pulse: too fast, too slow, strong, weak, and irregular.
• Blood Congestion. Cerebral Hemorrhaging.
• Testicular problems, inflamed ovaries, cancer, cryptopchism, sterility, amenorrhoea, metrorhagia.
• Bone problems, necrosis, and inflammation.
• Fearful of dominating, they stay at their staff’s level, which means they are only partly in authority, and lose the respect of others.
• They fail because they can’t see things through to the end. Partly because they only half-manage, and partly because they are too headstrong and don’t take time to reflect.
• They are close to others and seek equality. This is because they are fundamentally very sociable. They don’t want to emphasize their superior level.
• They get depressed when ideas don’t work out. They like to get projects off the ground. The repeated failures can send them into deep depression, which is where Hafnium can help.

These patients are at the beginning of their action, and of taking on authority. But they have not yet determined how others will react to it!!

Case History
14 year old B. is brought to see me, in a state of lethargy and fatigue. He’s an active boy, and has been the leader of this gang of friends since he was young. Headstrong and devil-may-care, he’s also mad about rugby. He’d even recently startled a team of his own, with his friends. His father was also keen on the project, so he helped him – even pushed him a little. But in the end it did not come off. B. is full of such ideas, but as soon as they look viable, he seems to lose interest.

“I get the impression, really, that I’m only half-finishing the things I undertake” he says.

It’s the same at school. His teachers admire his enthusiasm, and creativity, but too often they see projects left unfinished. He’s also been suffering for some months from headaches, localized to the left, which attack him at the end of the day when he’s tired.

He was prescribed Hafnium

He loses his fatigue, and seems to have become more prudent, taking on fewer and less grandiose projects.
It’s is clear that B. can lead. The fact that he starts off lots of projects without finishing them leads to Hafnium

In conclusion:
Hafnium is helpful for those who are leaders and inventors, very sociable, and who only manage to half realize their objectives or abilities.

3. Colloidal Dragons blood
When used externally, clinical studies show that Dragon’s Blood has the potential to heal wounds faster, stop bleeding, remove pain, promote skin repair, and act as an antiseptic, because it is anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-viral, anti-spasmodic and anti-tumor.

Dragon’s Blood is used extensively in native pharmacopoeia to also treat many other skin disorders and conditions, such as Herpes, Fungal Issues, Skin Cancer Melanoma, Hemorrhoids, and more, all of which is also verified in Clinical Studies. it has the potential to treat insect bites, arrest diarrhea, and protect the body and brain from radiation! Effective constituents of Dragon’s Blood were found to be potential candidate therapeutic agents for neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, ALS, Huntington’s, and Parkinson’s.

Neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, ALS, Huntington’s, and Parkinson’s are the result of the progressive loss of structure or function of neurons. It’s also stated that the hippocampus of the brain is one of the first things to deteriorate in these types of conditions. It is shown above that Dragon’s Blood inhibited hippocampal neuronal apoptosis (death) caused by excess radiation. When traveling, we are usually subject to higher levels of radiation, so I always take Dragon’s Blood while traveling, for protection.

Clinical studies show how Dragon’s Blood can be useful in helping with Diabetes, Osteoporosis, Healing Fractures and other Traumatic Injuries. These results suggest that this extract from Dragon’s Blood exerts an anti-diabetic effect by suppressing intestinal carbohydrate absorption and thereby reducing the postprandial increase of blood glucose. In traditional medicine, Dragon’s Blood has shown activity in the prevention of osteoporosis as well as greatly promoting the healing of bone fractures.

In clinical studies, Dragon’s Blood showed the potential to be anti-tumor and anti-cancer, inhibit hepatitis A and B viruses, have potent activity against isolates and laboratory strains of respiratory syncytial virus, influenza A virus, and parainfluenza virus, reduce pulmonary fibrosis (scarring of the lungs), boost the immune system, have anti-tumoral effects on human colon cancer cells, alleviate pain associated with gastrointestinal and other related disorders, reduce acid reflux, treat rheumatism, help heal stomach and intestinal ulcers, reduce inflammation, act as an antioxidant with free radical scavenging capacity, and act as a food preservative due to its inhibitory activity against various food borne pathogens.

Dragon’s Blood seems to be one of the best all-round treatments available for blood.

4.Colloidal Yttrium
Another trace mineral, one that I think will be recognized in the next 10 to 15 years as being just as important as selenium, is called yttrium. the lab animals, which lived three times their normal lifespan. All of this yttrium, they discovered, was shuttled to the intestinal tract.

It’s an extremely important metal in terms of RNA direction to the cell to make individual proteins. The genetic code chart lays out that hydrogen would govern one termination code, sulfur which would govern another termination code, and yttrium governs the third.

When proteins are to be made and the yttrium’s termination code is called for, or the UGA termination code is called for, but you don’t have yttrium or yttrium byproducts, then this would relate to what’s called incomplete protein synthesis. most of the bacteria in our stomachs that we call probiotics are hydrogen based. Two of them, however — Bifidobacterium longum and Bifidobacterium bifidum — utilize virtually no hydrogen in their termination codes — instead, they utilize a 95 to 99 percent yttrium-based termination code system. yttrium is an important factor for maintaining the lifecycle of two of our many probiotics, which are essential to digestion.

Multiple sclerosis was actually nailed down to just two genes that weren’t working right. Demyelination, or the loss of the coating of your nerve, is the hallmark of MS, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS). The protein sequences for these genes, the number one termination code that was needed was yttrium. the most needed termination code in the sequences was always yttrium.

As a matter of understanding, yttrium always fell in the top 10 (out of 64) minerals in terms of need.
The body has a priority system. Yttrium falls on the heart meridian, and any yttrium-based polypeptide or amino acid sequences produced by bacteria in the stomach or the intestinal tract is probably going to be used by the heart or the circulatory system before it can be sent to the brain.”

5. Indium
Short-term benefits as reported by many indium users include increased energy, reduced need for sleep, and an enhanced sense of well being – the “indium high.” Long-term benefits include a gradual correction of many chronic illnesses. This includes, but is not limited to, improved blood pressure, healthier body weight, and a reversal of visible signs of aging..

Are You Missing Out On The Power Of Indium?
People take indium in supplements for increasing energy, preventing aging, boosting the immune system, increasing hormone production, and increasing absorption of nutrients.

Healthcare providers sometimes give an indium compound called indium pentetreotide by injection into the veins (intravenously) as a treatment for cancer that has spread to the bones.

Indium is an exciting new discovery that somehow has fallen “under the radar.” But there’s even a book about it – cleverly titled “Indium” – in with author Dr. Robert Lyons states, “”Let Indium turn back your biological clock. Researchers believe that Indium may help you look and feel years – even decades – younger.” He states that Indium users report a burst of youthful benefits including more energy, -enhanced senses of smell and taste, weight loss, more restorative and rejuvenating sleep, improvements in skin and hair tone and color, increased libido, and better moods.

Indium has been shown to have age-related benefits, including improving memory, increasing libido, keeping weight stable and regulating blood sugar levels. However, new research has found that indium helps improve the absorption of essential trace elements – such as copper, manganese, and chromium, copper and zinc – in the body, thereby allowing them to perform their functions more efficiently.
Dr. Henry Schroeder, author of “The Trace Elements and Man”, found in his early studies that Indium supplementation increased the utilization of trace elements by 142%.

A book on Indium stated that it might well be the new miracle mineral. “Just a few drops of it a day,” according to one researcher, “produces a cascade of hormones we enjoy when we’re in our 20s.” Indium has marked anti-aging properties, and assists in converting creatine to ATP, or adenosine triphosphate. ATP is simply described as muscle fuel, and maintaining it at a high level keeps it from degenerating to ADP, or adenosine diphosphate, which when produced begins the manufacture of lactic acid, weakening the muscles.

How Indium Works
Indium appears to work via the hypothalamus/pituitary/adrenal (HPA) feedback loop complex.
Your hypothalamus is the key to homeostasis and parasympathetic functions such as breathing, body temperature, food and water intake, and stimulation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Your pituitary controls growth hormone release, sexual glands and the function of your adrenal glands.
Your adrenal glands produce sterols such as adrenalin, epinephrine, and cortisol. These hormones down regulate the effects of inflammation as well as the perception of pain, fatigue, and mental alertness.

Balancing the feedback of your HPA complex synchronizes the function and production of at least thirty-one hormones. This synchronization produces a feeling of euphoria and well-being in most users.

One of the theories regarding the aging process is that it involves the decreased production of certain hormones as we get older. Indium appears to counteract this by balancing and synchronizing the HPA complex, the hypothalamus, pituitary and adrenal glands. These hormones control sleep, metabolism, body temperature, appetite, blood pressure, sex desire and many other body functions.

Indium stimulates hormonal production back to youthful levels by stimulating the HPA master hormone producers. These hormones then circulate throughout the body and help prevent and fight various aspects of the aging process – for example, supplies of growth hormone are boosted, which controls metabolism and affects bone density.

Indium also potentiates your thyroid gland and supports proper thyroid levels, more calories are burned and weight is normalized.

Indium Fitness/Training Applications
Immediate increased energy and strength is one of most reported effects of Indium by sports and fitness users. Most of the benefits of Indium occur within 5-10 days of supplementation.
Within one week the regular exerciser, who normally stop exercising due to muscular pain and fatigue should be able to increase their workout by 10% before reaching the pain threshold as indium helps reduce the painful buildup of lactic acid by removing it more quickly from the tissues.

You will find an extended limit to the activity as it hastens the removal of the lactic acid build-up in muscle mass. This causes the pain of lactic acid build-up to take longer to accumulate.

In one very recent study with Indium conducted in Budapest, Hungary, 13 of 15 members of the National Kung Fu Championship Team demonstrated significantly increased their stamina after eight weeks of indium supplementation.

Anecdotally, a group of distance runners reported 30% increase in running distance for the same time in just two weeks, and a group of weight lifters recently reported increasing their bench press by 40% in 60 days.

It also appears to aid or enhance the master hormone function (the pituitary and hypothalamus glands in particular) in the system. These glands direct the function of 40 endocrine glands and help balance 31 hormones.

Indium has been shown to increase the uptake of creatine by as much as 500 times, and so bodybuilders using creatine would reduce their creatine intake in order to compensate. Research (not by us) has shown indium corrects problems with the endocrine system, which is the array of glands that regulate and produce hormones, which are used in signaling instructions and are associated directly with the nervous system. Among other functions, the endocrine system regulates metabolism, growth, tissue function, and internal environmental variables such as water balance, ions and ionic exchange, body temperature and mood. Indium, in fact, brings about a nicely mild euphoric effect when used by itself and with other elements, and also greatly increases the uptake of other nutrients which would otherwise be flushed normally from the body as unabsorbable.

Indium Supplementation is Safe 
Indium is water-soluble and does not remain in your system. Even the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has determined Indium is totally safe even at 20,000 times the recommended dosage.

Additional reported benefits of Indium include:
• increased endurance
• improved memory
• better sleep
• help with migraine headaches
• healthier blood sugar levels (with some diabetic patients reducing their insulin by 80 %)
• normalization of blood pressure (with high blood pressure going down and low blood pressure going up)
• reduction in incidence of lip and lung cancers
• improved hair growth
• lessened menopause symptoms
• alleviation of hypertension
• more youthful appearance
• elevated immunity activity
• reduced severity and duration of colds
• drop in prostate PSA levels (as much as 75%)
• increased libido in both men and women

With a long list of documented benefits like that, doesn’t Indium look like a supplement you should add to your nutrition and fitness program right away?

Indium has properties which are of little use in the environments we are familiar with – but on far journeys, its existence becomes more strongly revealed, as do its purposes. Use Indium for meditations of the true unknown, the unfamiliar, and to expand consciousness. Indium can be used as a guide towards the Akashic records, and Indra’s web.

6. Selenium
Selenium has attracted attention because of its antioxidant properties. Antioxidants protect cells from damage. There is some evidence that selenium supplements may reduce the odds of prostate cancer.

Selenium is a fascinating element, and one that, in fact, opens up an entire world of experience for human beings. By this I mean that selenium is required for the functioning and development of certain areas of the brain that open a person to higher emotions and higher thought. It is also an essential mineral for thyroid functioning, along with iodine.

Selenium supplementation is always included in nutritional balancing programs and everyone needs a supplement. With this short introduction, let us examine the sources, functions and metabolic effects of selenium on the human body.

Well-known functions of selenium in the body include the following:
• Thyroid activity. Selenium is required to produce thyroid hormone, called tetraiodothyronine or T4. It is also needed for the conversion of T4 to the more active form of the hormone, called triiodothyronine or T3. This is a critical function that is sub-optimal in many people today.

If the body cannot convert T4 to T3, then thyroid hormone activity will diminish significantly, even if enough T4 is being produced. Many doctors measure these hormones and then they give hormone replacement of T3 if it is low. However, I feel this is needless, as giving enough available selenium will often correct the problem in a much more elegant and physiological manner, without the need for drugs.

Selenium has been found to specifically counteract the ocular or eye dysfunction of Grave’s disease, called Grave’s orbitopathy, and characterized by exothalamus (protrusion of the eyeball), and proptosis (movement outward of the eye). This is in response to swelling and inflammation of the muscles and structures behind and around the eyeball.

Selenium has also been found to help resolve Hashimoto’s autoimmune thyroiditis.

• Anti-oxidant activity and glutathione synthesis. Glutathione is a substance produced in the liver and elsewhere that is critical for detoxification within the liver and in every body cell. Glutathione is one of the most important substances in the human body. Its production depends on the availability of several amino acids, along with available iron and selenium. This forms the enzyme glutathione peroxidase, which is a step in glutathione production and metabolism.

When glutathione production is low, detoxification in the liver is seriously impaired. This means the body is less able to eliminate all toxic metals, many toxic chemicals and other substances such as biological toxins. Thus, this function of selenium is also a critical one.

• Heavy metal detoxification. This has to do with glutathione production, mainly, although thyroid activity and other functions related to selenium are required for all metal detoxification. This is why garlic, and the other sources of selenium listed above are so important.

• Infection-fighting ability. Selenium enhances the immune response in most cases. This has to do with thyroid enzymes, and other factors as well.

• Cancer prevention and possibly correction. This is a research area, but Dr. Emanuel Revicci and many others have used selenium products to help reverse cancer in a very non-toxic manner. Selenium reduces toxic metals and other problems that can lead to cancer.

• Mental health. Selenium, along with silicon, share certain characteristics. They help impart a silky, smooth quality to the personality. Some foods that are high in selenium, such as corn silk, have this same smooth, silky quality.

It may sound odd to think that a silky, smooth texture of a mineral could have a similar effect on the nervous system, but it is the case. Selenium and silicon are absolutely essential for mental health today. They help with feelings of joy and happiness, and give a certain lightness to the personality as well.

• Etheric development and life extension. Selenium is absolutely essential for the development of the etheric body. This is one of the main subtle human bodies. As this body develops, it is helpful to improve health dramatically, which extends the lifespan rather dramatically in some cases.

• Selenium needed for “development”. This is also an esoteric concept that is related to the growth of the etheric body discussed above. Selenium plays a role in activating certain areas of the brain that are associated with what I call mental or spiritual development.

Selenium is so important in this regard that it is now an essential nutrient to add to nutritional balancing programs in some cases.