Cre8health Cell2n PEMF Chiropractor Model - Cre8-Health
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Cell2n Spark Gap PEMF Chronic Pain

Cell2n PEMF Chiropractor Model


Genuinely the most advanced and powerful PEMF in the world.

Imagine PEMF that you can feel!

This PEMF machine is available for practitioners in Europe and America on a profit share basis price and an outright purchase price.

We recommend the profit share so we can update the machine free of charge in 5 years.



PEMF is Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field technology – Profit Share Program: Investors welcome

We as a human race are surrounded by dirty electricity and Wi-Fi and countless signals in the air all around us. This has cut us off from the natural frequency and signal of the earth and sun. Our cells over time suffer and lose their shape and therefore their correct working frequency and then their physical function starts to fail.

PEMF recharges the cells in its path across the board. We are talking about repair cells in nervous system and bone and the cellular matrix across the immune system the cardiac system and blood, the nervous system and all major organs and vessels. Other foreign organisms can be literally knocked out by these fields.

This gives a two fold body wide amplification of energy producing factors and repair factors that can only lead to improved health.

For a long time the FDA has labeled this technology as dangerous! which has limited it’s widespread use in hospitals and the places where this technology is needed the most.

One of our clients walked into our office with Parkinson-type tremors, after 8 years of these symptoms, and walked out of the office 25 minutes later symptom-free! this machine blew us and our clients away and we still can’t comprehend how fast and effective this can be for pain and repair especially nervous system repair and pain relief.

Use with Black Pepper essential oils for the best neuralgia type pain relief on the planet. These oils will penetrate deeper and pipperine or black pepper is a recent hot study topic for neuropathy and neuralgia type pain often associated with MS: Multiple Sclerosis and FM: Fibromyalgia and Parkinson.

This technology is literally a godsend for people with damaged or destroyed myelin sheeth problems, due sometimes in part to chemotherpay injury or a life of worry and anxiety.

0.05mT is 50 micro tesla
85 Watts power supply

Some competitors shows 2-25mT when they mean micro tesla not milli tesla … only MRI scanners have that kind of mT power and you could pick up a sledge hammer with it!

Don’t be fooled by low numbers – this machine unlike any other i’ve tried makes your muscles move and can even be used as a diagnostics device looking for points of tenderness you know where to work.

Writers Note: When healing Autism PEMF can be a good substitute for GcMAF and also HBOT Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers and Killing parasites since it can amplify and boost the entire immune and cell charges that are important for the body to expel parasites and toxins during Herx reactions.

PROFIT SHARE – Investors welcome.

Buyer buys at sale price and product goes to a selected practitioner – the machine is equipped with state of the art communication and counters and timers and also GPS. This allows the secure and honest use of the machine remotely. The machine can also be deactivated remotely.

The return on investment at the lowest most modest estimates would see a return of investment in 12-14 months. Thereafter we are looking at pure profit. The investor and practitioner profit split is designed to reward all parties as equally as possible based on work load. Who does the work gets the most reward.

Additional information

Purchase type

PM Profit Share, PM Outright purchase, Mini PEMF, Mini PEMF Hire