Cre8health Add Plasma Charging to order (oils only) - Cre8-Health
Cre8-Health | Near Hoorn, Contact for Details
RSO CBD THC Dan Winter Plasma Charged Cancer

Add Plasma Charging to order (oils only)


Cost breakdown:
20 Europe delivery – 29 charging – 20 delivery out from Europe

add an extra 12 days for charging and re-delivery
+ 4 days delivery to France +4 days delivery out of France

Cost is extra on top of oil costs to cover redelivery and charging



Add this product if you want your oils – to be charged using DanWinters highly fractal perfect geometry 25,000 USD plasma machine – this increases absorption and bio availability and potency – no other shop sells this – no other product on the planet can match this.

*Sold on the condition that you report the efficacy with a testimonial including evidence where possible.