This book consisting of 162 pages of tightly packed facts and comments, is backed up by an amazing 38 pages of references and bibliography.

A fellow medical researcher in Australia, hearing that I was planning to write this Review, gave me some valuable advice, and that was not to appear as an anti-vaxxer, which I certainly am not!

Indeed, vaccines have played a valuable part over the years in both human and animal health.

What, however, I am against, is when we are not told the truth about vaccines, especially the leading mRNA candidates, while all have been necessarily prepared at breakneck speed, and have not acquired full approval, or undergone the usual lengthy trials, with 3, 5 and 10 year markers.

They have at best obtained EUO status, which is for Emergency Use Only.

My own opinion is that it is too early in the process, to start to vaccinate children and youngsters, when we have no proven track record.

I hope that history will not look back on 2021 /22 as being the years that enormous risks are being taken without enough evidence.

Dr Joseph Mercola’s book is packed with facts, viewpoints, hypotheses and recommendations, all backed up by copious references.

Like the author and his views or not, this book is an essential read.

In my experience, most of his detractors have not even read his book, and I cannot begin to agree with viewpoints which are not based on actual evidence!

The book is far too detailed to do anything but just pick out a few of the highlights, and pass a brief comment, but I hope that it will be enough to stimulate informative debate.

Originally anyone who doubted the early versions of how the original infection started in Wuhan, were automatically branded as ‘conspiracy theorists’ and dismissed out of hand.

Now some 18 months later, far more doubt is being cast on the original version. An MIT Review commented, that if it was found that COVID-19 came from a Lab, it would shatter the scientific edifice top to bottom!

Well, as more and more evidence pours in, that is exactly what may happen!

Evidence has come to light of previous escapes from the same Lab in Wuhan, as well as others in China on previous occasions, and even some in the USA!

No-one yet knows whether a possible escape could be deliberate or accidental, but hopefully the truth will eventually emerge.

There is no doubt that there was a concerted cover-up at the highest level, not only in China, but by other vested interests as well.

Even the WHO does not emerge well, funded in the main by China and Bill Gates. Hardly impartial, then?

Just before the first cases of Covid-19 were identified, The Gates Foundation, together with John Hopkins and the World Economic Forum, hosted a simulation of a possible world pandemic, known as Event 201.

This prepared a scenario which was almost re-enacted, uncannily, exactly a few weeks later, with reference to PPE shortages, lockdowns, censorship, removal of civil liberties, mandated vaccination campaigns, and the prospect of emerging conspiracy theories about the origin of the virus and questioning the necessity for mass vaccination of the entire adult population!

Great emphasis, rightly or wrongly, is given to what is described as The Great Reset.

It is interesting to note, that during lockdowns, a vast number of small and medium businesses have had to close down or are suffering badly, whereas the large corporations and of course, the major Pharmaceutical companies, usually termed Big Pharma, have flourished, and posted larger profits than ever before.

Lord Sumption as a judge in the UK Supreme Court, expressed extreme doubt about Covid-19 rules possibly paving the way to Absolute Power and potential abuse.

The interesting fact emerging from this, is the comment that human societies, surprisingly, do not usually lose their freedom because it has been removed by tyrants, but because people willingly surrender it in return for protection against an external threat.

The pressure on politicians is coming from the public.

They want action, without questioning whether that action will work, at least initially.

No wonder an Official Inquiry into Covid-19 has been pushed back by the Government from this Autumn, to sometime next Spring!

The validity of PCR tests is called into question, and as these tests have been used as the evidence for lockdowns and measures taken by Governments, large inaccuracies would indeed throw doubt on some of the actions taken at the highest level.

It is interesting to note, that within an hour of Joe Biden’s inauguration on 20th January 2021, the WHO suddenly and without warning, lowered the recommended PCR cycle threshold (CT), resulting in the number of cases plummeting.

The next day, January 21st, President Biden announced that U.S. funding for the WHO would be reinstated!

Questions are also raised on exactly what is the Covid-19, or the SARS-CoV-2 virus?

Why has a Reward issued in Germany and Switzerland, been increased to 1,000,000 Euros, for any scientists, anywhere in the world, who can produce a verified actual sample of the virus, to their Labs.

As yet, the reward is unclaimed!

He cites that all kinds of other factors are at play, including Influenza A and B, together with a host of co-morbidities, which does indeed make a person more vulnerable to this or allied viruses.

The question most people want answered, is what can be done in relation to this continuing threat, and what can be done if one does succumb to the virus.

The book stresses the importance for eating healthy food, and goes into great detail how the urge to eat food acquired as cheaply as possible, is not the way forward.

On the question of protecting ourselves, there are many supplements which can and should help.

Almost no-one, even those living in tropical countries, actually acquire sufficient Vitamin D, and just maintaining the right level in the body, could have saved thousands of lives, especially amongst BAME workers on the frontline in the NHS and other care systems.

The Swiss have followed a protocol which consists of Quercetin and Zinc. Other supplements recommended are N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), Melatonin, Vitamin C and B Complex (though best in Liposomal form), Beta Glucan, Spirulina, Resveratrol, and others to boost one’s immune system.

An article in The Lancet, published in December 2019, painted a worrying picture of corruption embedded in health systems.

It is estimated that the annual expenditure on health services worldwide is $7 trillion USD. Corruption is put at a minimum of 10% and a maximum of 25%.

This staggering amount, would, according to the WHO, be sufficient to fill the gap in universal health coverage globally by 2030!

As far as treatment is concerned for more serious patients, it seems that Donald Trump was not far off the mark after all, following Dr Zelenko’s results with Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin.

It has in fact been used as frontline treatment in many countries including the UK, but without any publicity.

It is essential not to use dosages which are too high, as they could be fatal.

Successful results have been obtained on the frontline with Kariyat (Andrographis paniculata), and now with Ivermectin, but of course no recommendations or co-operation are likely to come from Big Pharma, who are unable to patent any other methods of treatment that are already deemed to be in the public domain.”

My recommendation is that regardless of one’s viewpoint, anyone seriously wanting to know more about the origins of this virus, and the way it has been dealt with worldwide, and whom it might benefit, would be well advised to obtain or borrow a copy of this book, and then make up your own mind.

The book sells retail at 19.99 GBP, and there are a few copies available here at the cover price, if anyone requires one.

Like many others, I am joining the ranks of those all around the world , who are hoping and praying that in two years from now, we will not be reading about ‘The Greatest Con ever perpetrated on the human race!

CBH. July 2021.