My Cannabis Psychosis healing happened in 1-3 short months while I was experimenting with getting my brain back! I didn’t realise what I was really doing … however after I came out of my 15 year long daze and separation from myself … I realised exactly what i’ve done!

I would say it all started back in University when I overdosed on too much cannabis with friends and my body finally said no more!!

However the reality is more than this, it all started when i was born, or even was delivered in spirit to this earth and each step I took added something to the puzzle that I had to figure out myself later, because NO doctor would have a clue! Let’s be honest here. THIS IS WHY – YOU are you own BEST DOCTOR. You yourself has to heal you!

There are so many factors involved with every ones path to health HOWEVER there are always things that almost all of us have been exposed to, you could make a list of your own and see what you get, it might be something like this:

  • Loads of Vaccines
  • Loads of Toxins
  • Loads of fake food
  • Loads of Sugar
  • Even Fake Weed
  • Loads of EMF, WiFi and Dirty Data
  • Fake People
  • Fake Jobs
  • Fake Money
  • Fake Government
  • Fake Queen
    etc. etc.

I don’t think that ALL of the above really do affect health, however ENVIRONMENT IS HEALTH and those things listed above are definitively in MY environment doing things they shouldn’t be doing, that i can guarantee!

So before we start to really see what’s healthy and how to heal we really need to detox firstly from the things we have ALL been exposed to so that we can truly find out what’s causing humanity to be so sick!

For me a huge part of getting better has been the path i’ve chosen to follow, that is not buying anything from the companies trying actively to kill me! i’m not sure why people keep on supporting them … great programming i guess … some people call it marketing, I call it television – and hand held mind control devices!

One thing that strikes me that’s odd about vaccines is that Bill Gates doesn’t give them to his family? nor does he take them.
The engineers that make them also don’t take them and in fact the point blank refuse to get them. Needless to say the first thing i wanted to do was to remove as much of the things from my body, that other people have put in my body without my understanding or convinced me was a good idea to put in my body, MY SACRED TEMPLE!


1. So i started with Heavy Metals (OF COURSE) – WHY?
Because they are the HEAVIEST thing in the body, because they DO NOT come out of the body on their own, because they are magnetised electrically to the nervous system and brain! …. electricity … metals … ? rocket science?
I was using the ONLY 2 PRODUCTS  on the planet that seem to be able to do this safely and effectively. One of them is TRS (nano zeolite) and the other is RNASolutions.

1a. Then i started supporting my brain with Glutathione from the same company – however i don’t think that was a real big factor in cleaning out my nervous system. This was more supportive however, it could have been more important than i realise.

2. Then I looked into micro-dosing (having tiny self regulated amounts daily) real Medical Cannabis, this is the HARD part because nobody knows much about GMO cannabis and ORGANIC cannabis AND how things get stuck in the cannabinoid system and completely change and put off balance your entire perfect vessel from god! Literally putting you into a dual state perversion of god with a synthetic crystalline energy circuit fake copy version of your body! This will make you feel like your self conscious as it sets up an echo of your system inside on a different energy level, making one feel very odd! unable to connect to their heart and unable to manifest accordingly their life, since the function of cannabis is to regulate the body and bring heart and mind together. That;s why humans had to have the cheap stuff, GMO stressed nonsense crops with bad data inside.

3. Then I rediscovered something amazing called GH3 for the SUPER doctor called ASLAN – hence the name SUPER ASLAN. This stuff is amazing, it literally provides the brain with all the precursors it needs for brain or b-vitamins as well as working on low energy cells to boost and protect their cells walls and defence systems! WOW that’s like vitamin A on steroids. There is a GH7 now so you can experiment on yourself if you’d like.

4. Lastly, I was always doing HIGH-POWER PEMF therapy on the side of whatever I was doing, but not always, very sporadically. This technology was developed by NASA and not very well known, usually reserved for elite athletes until Cell2n came on the scene. This technology pulses physical matter! How amazing is that? It kicks out all of the flimsy fake potentials that are docked in receptors where they should not be. So it’s possible this helped more than I realised.

With this said healing is a journey for you alone, this is not medical advice, and legally speaking will not cure anything, but it might help you heal yourself.

If you have any questions just ask me here.